About us

Our kindy

For almost 50 years, Springwood Kindy has provided play-based learning to help children learn, grow and prepare for schooling.

We provide spacious and challenging indoor and outdoor activities on a schedule that meets your needs. The natural surroundings include a large playground with plenty of grass to run, sand, rocks and mud for children to play in and shaded areas for quiet play. We have a large covered sandpit, a climbing fort, swing area, digging patch and nature area. The staff encourage the children to discover the natural environment and visiting wildlife.

Our indoor spaces are well equipped with resources that are continually being updated and exhibits are loaned from the Qld Museum to further enhance the children’s learning.

We also have our own veggie garden as caring for the environment and sustainability are core elements of the Kindy’s program.


Our mission

Our staff are committed and dedicated to the children and families who make up the Kindy Community each year and our Centre benefits greatly from the depth of experience and professional expertise that each staff member brings.

Our philosophy

Our philosophy represents who we are at Springwood Kindy. It has been developed collaboratively by members of our learning community including children, families and staff.

At Springwood Community Kindergarten we believe that children are capable and resourceful learners with unique skills, talents and abilities. We believe in encouraging children to reach their potential by being active contributors in their learning within a safe, supportive environment.

We recognise and value the importance of play as a fundamental approach to children’s learning. We aim to provide an environment that up supports each child’s positive outcomes through a balance of play and intentional teaching. We believe that learning through active, investigative play that draws on real life experiences will help children to grow and develop self confidence as learners. We provide children opportunities to build and consolidate their skills in key learning areas and support children’s social and emotional well-being in the learning community. We promote a collaborative environment where children learn to share, collaborate, co-operate and build friendships. Each child’s strengths and abilities are valued, respected and nurtured.

At Springwood Community Kindergarten we aim to provide a positive environment where children, families and staff feel welcome and have a sense of value and belonging. We foster a shared commitment to children’s learning that supports and respects parent ideas and family practices. We believe that strong partnerships with parents and communities support children’s learning and parents are engaged in ongoing collaborative decision making. We strive to build successful relationships between families, schools, community agencies and support services to facilitate positive transitions to school for all children.

Educators at Springwood Community Kindergarten honour diversity and the many cultural ways of being, seeing and living. We value and respect each family’s heritage and background and aim to embed the Indigenous perspectives of the Yugembeh people, the traditional owners of the land our kindergarten sits on. We value equity and inclusion and recognise each child’s diverse ways of learning.

At Springwood Community Kindergarten we are committed to protecting our environment. We value environmental education and the importance of sustainability. Our focus on empowering children and families to invest in their future is reflected in our Centre practices and connections with community.

Staff at Springwood Community Kindergarten have a shared commitment to maintaining a positive, safe and collaborative work environment that supports our passion for early childhood education. Each staff member’s knowledge and skills are valued, respected and supported in an environment that values collaboration and the well-being of all staff.



The Springwood Community Kindergarten follows the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines (QKLG) which states:

Throughout the kindergarten Year, children’s right to experience the joy of childhood is fundamental and learning is promoted through play, and emergent and planned learning, and interactions.


National Quality Framework - Meeting

Kindergartens are assessed and rated by the Queensland Office of Early Childhood Education and Care against the 7 quality areas of the National Quality Standards. The Standard is part of the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care established in 2012 to help ensure your child is given the best possible start in life. The Framework is administered by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Authority.

Springwood Community Kindergarten received a meeting rating in all of the 7  quality areas.

  1. Educational program and practice
  2. Children’s health and safety
  3. Physical environment
  4. Staffing arrangements
  5. Relationships with children
  6. Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
  7. Governance and Leadership

For more information about the Framework see: https://www.acecqa.gov.au/nqf/national-quality-standard